Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A tele of Banaras of my own experience .

The idea of writing this tale  spark to me on the recent trip of my Home, and as well  a trip to the city of Morning (Varanasi).My father and me share father – friend – fighter all mix relation. Its was a nice day out which I had spend with my pa. The story started this way, we planned to go  Banaras on  Sunday during that time, as papa wanted me to chq wd a good doctor, He can’t find me healthy even If  I put on 70+ kg.
I was not really keen to go as I hate all these exercise . But who will make my father understand. He is always ready with his emotional dialog “Beta jab tumhare bacche honge tab pata hoga” how does the parent feel.Anyway we started early in the morning, and it was raining continually, but the kismet was not that mehrbaan, me my father and driver started but the car got some major problem in between.
The idea of mine lets go by Train its only one n half hour journey, and for me its been long time I have not visited Banaras. So I was exited and thrill to see and know Banaras.And this is how our journey started.Crossing the bridge over Holy river Ganga, it was lovely seen to catch in the morning  its was pouring and entire kashi was wet in this lovely nature bath.
Well after all the rest appointment work, my father has some business work to do and I wanted to roam the city. There is a friend of my father who asked me beta kahan jaungi barish me, I told him uncle here only the local market to chq out to see if I can get some thing. My father replied him let her go she wanted to see otherwise  . and they let me go with no of do n don't note
Banaras .
I realized looking at the city architecture it is indeed a city of old age. Due to rain and bad municipal party work the road was less  road n more whole in it. lot of water of rain was pouring the city.

But all this was not letting  off the beauty of city, its remains the same.  One interesting fact  you can find, there can be  a traffic jam in banaras becoz there may be few bulls are taking rest on the mid of road, or on traficc signals.
Almost every house has high steps stairs which starts from their house main gate/ door. of course beautiful girls and typical Indian " Bhartiya " students crowed . as Banaras had three university which are quite well known.
  •   Banaras Hindu University, which includes Institute of Technology and Institute of Medical Sciences is among the top 3 largest residential universities in the world.
  •    Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth and
  •    Sampurnanand Sanskrit University are the other two universities. 
Varanasi is a holy city in Hinduism, being one of the most sacred pilgrimage places for Hindus , has nearly 100 ghats. you get a chance to see the spritucalism  and the legends of old  mythologies combination here.

 Varanasi has its own culture of fine art and literature. Great Indian writers have lived in this city from Kabir, Ravidas . later writers and Hindi literature writer   have been Jayshankar Prasad, Acharya Ram Chandra Shukla, Munshi Premchand, Jagannath Prasad Ratnakar, Devaki Nandan Khatri, Hazari Prasad Dwivedi, ( the one who wrote “ chandkanta ” ) hmm good reminder na.
Wait wait wait, one thing, I forgot to tell here ,  my father too has keen intrest in literautre and he lived and did his all studies in " Banaras " during  his collage days. my unlce took us-to a famous Hindi writer Hajari Prasad drevedi place,this place was closed to my uncle place. Papa asked me do u remember Hajari Prasad drevedi. I said I do, I read him in class 10th. I forgot what I read but I did remember he was an essay writer. And my father got a chance to let me know  why old time studies are always better then today. He is so good in History and literature. I feel embarrassed of my honors degree in History. He is the one who corrects me so many times, I wonder how come he is so successful business Man, He should be professor in history or Hindi Literature. Though he is equally good in minting money so certainly I do not doubt on his abilities in business. And I am sure all will do agree to this who knows my pa.

Well the honorable Hajari Prasad drevedi was no more, He was rewarded by “ Padam Bhusan” which from the name plate I get to know. But looking at the condition of his house I feel anguish with the government how ill treat they does with those people too who have been rewarded in their best work.Well it was getting late for us, and after evening tea time we left for the home.
But yes it was one of the memorable trip of Banarash. This is the brief study yes there was few emotional feels too attached with it. But undeniably it was a trip of good memories. :) Good bye Banaras, and its my
Privilege I get a close chance to live with you :) :)


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